Jailbreak Hack Kindle 3.4.2 B006 Site Www.mobileread.mobi

#3641  asdfffdsa 04-02-2016, 10:17 PM

Quote knc1

That might depend on what model Kindle you have.

Use this chart:
to discover it 'nickname' as used here.

We don't know a device model: "not sharing".

Having been a member here nearly five years, you ....

The serial number prefix is B006 so the "Kindle 3 3G + WiFi (U.S. and Canada)" / "K3" / "K3G"


#3642  knc1 04-02-2016, 10:45 PM

Quote asdfffdsa

The serial number prefix is B006 so the "Kindle 3 3G + WiFi (U.S. and Canada)" / "K3" / "K3G"

You should be able to install the Amazon update with everything in-place.

But it would not hurt to un-install what you have before applying the Amazon update.
Although more time consuming, it would give you the chance to re-install the most recent release of everything.


#3643  aasl 04-04-2016, 01:09 AM

I upgraded my kindle keyboard 3G firmware to official 3.4.2, and I found I could not use the jailbreak. After copying the bin to the root folder, and the "update your kindle " is still grayed out. What should I do to enable the jailbreak?


#3644  knc1 04-04-2016, 08:53 AM

Quote aasl

I upgraded my kindle keyboard 3G firmware to official 3.4.2, and I found I could not use the jailbreak. After copying the bin to the root folder, and the "update your kindle " is still grayed out. What should I do to enable the jailbreak?

The update packages are 'model locked'.
The update packages are not 'firmware version' locked.

There are two possibilities in the case of a K3:

1) You are not using the correct package for your model of Kindle.

2) The package you are using is suffering from a bug in the package generator that was used.
I.E: You are using a correct package for your model but one that has not been re-packaged with the newer (or newest) KindleTool.

You do not give any information on the jail break package version you are trying to use, nor where you got it, so . . . .

Try this one:

And report back.


#3645  vurt 04-17-2016, 09:30 PM

Hi all. Just discovered this forum and thanks for all the hacks, finally got around to hacking my Kindle Keyboard 3G running 3.4.2 firmware.

I installed the font hack but have no idea how to select a new font for reading.

Or revert the font back to Keyboard's default.

And would I be able to add Bookerly (I'm not sure if that came with fw 3.4.2)

Can someone help me out please?

[EDIT: Think I figured it out. In the linkfont/font folder I renamed the font I want to use, Bookerly_*.ttf to Serif_*.ttf. Don't know if I'm wrong but it feels like the Kindle Keyboard's resolution might be too low to maximize the effect of the new font.]


#3646  Aweberman 05-01-2016, 09:28 PM

I'm trying to get the screen saver hack working on my Kindle 3 (keyboard, wi-fi, firmware 3.4.2). Here's what I've done so far:

- Installed and successfully (I think) updated the device using this file:


- Unsuccessfully updated the screen saver update using this file:


I have been able to successfully select "Update your Kindle" from the Menu within Settings (i.e., it has not been greyed out), but when actually processing the update, I receive the screen that tells me "The update was not successful. Your Kindle is restarting..." There is a code that reads U002 in the lower lefthand corner. (I ejected the device and unplugged it from the computer before attempting the update.)

I attempted the process a second time after the device finished restarting. Then, following a suggestion from earlier in this thread, I rebooted the device myself, then attempted the screen saver update for a third time; still no dice.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, since I'm tired of seeing Mark Twain's mug (and that definition of "kindle").


#3647  NiLuJe 05-02-2016, 12:10 AM

@Aweberman: The snapshot packages are only installable through MRPI. Use the latest releases from this very thread if you can't/won't use MRPI .


#3648  Aweberman 05-02-2016, 07:59 AM


I installed MKK, then KUAL, then MRPI, then the screen saver hack, and it is working. It was more steps than I realized, but it wasn't hard.



#3649  knc1 05-02-2016, 09:09 AM

Quote Aweberman


I installed MKK, then KUAL, then MRPI, then the screen saver hack, and it is working. It was more steps than I realized, but it wasn't hard.


Often seen on the 'net are rating systems in terms of from one to five starts . . . . (hold that thought)

Perhaps there is a way that these add-ins could be rated (one to five) on their approach to Instant Gratification.
There are now several generations that will have things no other way.


#3650  Aweberman 05-03-2016, 02:47 PM

Though I feel like I have the hacks up and running correctly (as noted two posts up), I'm still not getting the current cover to appear as the screen saver. I have rebooted several times, even following this exchange from a few months back:

Quote MrCaringi

The kindle show my customs ScreenSaver,

But I want to show me the cover of the last book I opened.

I tried 2 things:
1. creating the "cover" file in "linkss" folder (didnt work)
2. via KUAL
2.1 open Helper+
2.2 Select "ALLOW ScreenSaver" (a check mark is showed)
2.3 Head to "Screen Saver" Menu
2.4 select "COVER MODE BEHAVIOR" and select "White Borders"


...but all I continue to see is the "hasn't yet successfully processed a book cover" splash screen.


Jailbreak Hack Kindle 3.4.2 B006 Site Www.mobileread.mobi

Source: http://www.mobileread.mobi/forums/showthread.php?t=88004&page=365

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